I thought that a vest would be a nice piece for this time of year, decided on the Back to School vest, and raided my stash (and this, children, is the reason for a stash). I found 5 skeins of yarn from Handpaintedwool.com, bought for I don't know what back in I don't remember when, calculated that I have just enough for the vest, and wound the skeins.
As I looked at them, an old Sesame Street song popped into my head:

"One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong.
Can you guess which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?"
Well, how'd you do? Did you just assume that the top cake is lighter because of the sunlight?
Wrongo! (do you remember that 7-Up commercial?) It is SIGNIFICANTLY lighter than its relatives. So much so that I am a little concerned that simply alternating skeins might not be enough to blend it in.
I just want a damn vest. I just want to sit down, and churn out a quick, cute, cuddly vest. I don't want to have to figure anything out right now. Mindless is what we're going for here (refer to previous post for reasoning).
Any suggestions? Anyone???