They sure weren't kidding - over a foot of snow, blustery winds, just generally curl-up-by-the-fire kind of stuff - although, of course, some of us were undaunted by the whole thing

apparently, there's another similar storm coming by here tomorrow, and then another one - maybe - on Tuesday... thank God I have a neighbor with a snowblower who appreciates a good bottle of wine as payment -
so when last we spoke, I was finishing up my Wisconsin saga - as Kelly pointed out in the comments, I forgot to mention that one of the things we had been seeking was Christmas dishcloth cotton - hard to imagine, but it was almost impossible to find. Until we got to a Ben Franklin in - help me, Kel, I don't recall where - all I know is that we found a few skeins in the back, priced at $1.49 (or 47), and Kelly SCREAMED and dropped to her knees in front of the yarn cubbies tearing through them, ripping out all the skeins she could find - we tried to be casual when we cashed out, but I think the gals working there must have seen us, because they were less than impressed with the whole thing. Can't beat the price, though...
so my last trip tidbit was on my way home, at the airport, after I had checked through and was going through security. I had all my little lotions and potions appropriately bagged, sent my carry-on through the xray and heard "BAG CHECK", in a Selma Diamond-type voice. Idiot that I am, I had carefully packed a souvenir from Kelly in my clothes, so it wouldn't break -

Never even dawned on me that it was more than 3.5 ounces...
So I got a tour through the back part of the security area (and seeing it, I understand why some of these folks are less than happy at work), went through the check-in line all over again and checked the damn bag.
And I came home to full-out Christmas:

the welcoming committee;

the gift knitting (which is almost, but not quite, done, as is the tradition at this festive time);
the baking, which will be undertaken in full force tomorrow.
Oh, and these... I have to mention these,

So now we're in the homestretch. Some of us are knitting, or baking, or shovelling. Some of us are waiting, maybe for Santa, maybe for a squirrel dressed like Santa

And some of us are already in the spirit, and just can't help celebrating

Ho, ho, ho...
I didn't realize the wine was at risk of being taken...I'm sure they wanted it for themselves...it has to be the best table wine one can buy from Wal-Mart...
Oh MY gosh, those little package ornaments are the cutest, and seriously...you got all that knitting done SINCE you returned? I'm in awe...I'm in shock...
Love the snow coming down...great weekend to have it comin down. Has delayed my Christmas shopping, so will have to cross my fingers that Santa comes through...
Isn't the snow crazy? We've already got a month's worth in 2 days!
The Korknisse pattern makes everything better.
Deirdre, if you still want an Official Snowmageddon t-shirt, head on over to http://www.Snowmageddon.com. All proceeds go to charity.
Happy holidays!
I dealt with Snowmaggedon here as well - shoveled three times in the course of 2 hours!
Off to make Kornissessssss now...
Believe it or not -- that Christmas coloured Handicrafter has been discontinued. Yeah, I was shocked too when I heard that. Glad you found some! Merry Christmas!
Look at all that snow, I am insanely jealous!! I also love those cork people!! I got your logic too ;)
Happy new Year to you xx
Hello! I was googling what ~worsted weight~ meant, and came across a very funny blog post you did some time ago ~ perfectly explained it though ~ thank you!! Also, I am massively novice knitter ( gasp, I .. it's true.. use those little round & long looms... cuzzzz I SUCK at knitting ~ but I CAN crochet ~ ;-D). Anyway, I was browsing through your blog, and HOLY freakin' HANNAH, you have some AWESOME stuff you've knitted! I am SO impressed! Someday... if I can ever get off the loom, and knit for reals....;-D
Anyway, to summarize ~ love your blog ~ impressed with your knitting awesomeness ~ love your sense of humour ~ also....
I have run into your twin back by the yarn sections of many a crafty store... God Bless!!, bet that lady totally took your advice and only listened to the Micheal's employee as a politeness.... even total novices know the difference between an expert & a dorky momentarily empowered job-justifying employee. ;-D
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