Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh, the Irony...

Don't you just love how some people love to spout off about how great they are, how, oh, I don't know, virtuous they are... and then they just drop off the face of the earth?

I do...

I have/hopefully had lost my blogging mojo - I have written more posts in my head than I can count , but have had no ooomph to actually write them down.  And putting up pictures???  Puh-lease...

lots has happened since last we spoke - there have been birthdays (Ben is now 13!!!!!, although he insists that he will not be teen-like; and I am now officially older than dirt);  there have been vacations;  there has been a new computer purchased (the reason for lack of pics is I am having a bitch of a time getting Flickr to work with this - I am now a Mac user and still figuring it out - stupid learning curve);  and there has been much knitting.  For that, you can take a peek at my Ravelry page and see what's been shakin' on the needles... 

and now we are in the death throes of the school year and are DYING for the start of summer vacation... I am, as in years previous, planning many to teach myself many new skills, including weaving, spinning, and dyeing - I have finally settled into my home (only took 5 1/2 years) and am planning to start ripping out stuff from the garden that I hate; I am going to buckle down to my AutoCAD course once the updated version becomes available...

and I will try my darndest to be a more faithful blogger... starting with uploading pictures...


life ldc said...

Oh, I've thought about a Mac too but I don't know if I could figure it out and what about all of the programs you use?

AutoCAD? are you learning for fun, or for future profit (ie employment LOL!)

Sandra said...

I was wondering if you were ever coming back - we should make a weaving date one of these days...