I have been knitting - of course - working on a brown ruffled shrug for Cindy at Apple Laine

That was an early-stage pic - I am much further along but my camera doesn't want to play right now...
I am also in the end stages of another Lake Placid pullover for Artisan Knitworks

And I have three projects from the LYS, Spun, to finish for them.
But what about ME???
My poor little head is abuzz with everything I want to make for myself - NOW - and I keep finding more - I almost feel sick thinking about all the potential projects, and then I keep finding more, and feel even sicker...
I can't even try to list the things I am thinking of, because I really do get panicky and out of breath - for God's sake, it's knitting, it's supposed to be fun...
I did learn something interesting today which is non-knit related - I was pulling out a sweet potato vine from one of my front pots - it's done well, but is now deserving of a quiet burial...
know what I found at the end of the vine?

I really had no idea that you could grow potatoes on potato vines - I just thought that was the name of the plant - I was thrilled, so much so that I interrupted a neighborhood game of HAGS (hide and go seek - their acronym, not mine) to show my sons and their friends -
apparently their friends think I'm weird now - I gather they didn't before, which was yet another revelation.
But I think I blew it this time.
Above-ground potatos ARE pretty cool. I guess I'm weird now, too. Shhhhh, don't tell any kids, and I won't either.
what a wonderful find, I think I'd have done the same!
I know exactly what you mean about wanting to get so much done, so badly that it makes us ill!
Lovely to see you again.
Oh you make me laugh!!
I thought it was just a name myself so I totally get your excitement.
Isn't that the thing with knitting? It is fun, relaxing, a pastime but you can stress out over all of the things you need/want to do.
Let some time pass - that's what I do! Then I find new projects...
Your current ones are looking good.
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