Yes, we picked up the young men on Friday, after their week of magic camp, which was, by all accounts, a raving success! Tricks were learned and shared and improved upon, friends were made, showers were avoided... they both took a bath as soon as we got home (we are a family of bathers, even with our crappy little 1949 tub) and the layer of dirt each of them left in the tub? I haven't had my coffee yet, so can't get too graphic, but imagine your worst and double it...

Their biggest complaints were that the "mattresses" in the bunks were just hunks of rubber, and that the food was (a) in short supply, and (b) not as good as my cooking. Another perk about camp which I hadn't considered... newfound appreciation for home...

The weather was perfect for driving up, although I saw an awful lot of this

And this

The dogs had been terribly unsettled all week, each sleeping on a boy's bed and looking around the house for them constantly, so there was much relief when we were finally all together again

and yes, Charlie does carry his bone like a cigar most of the time...
so the weekend has been a mix of sc#$%l prep and hanging out, with the piece de resistance being Ribfest later today... pics to follow, of course...
Welcome home boys!
Magic camp? I didn't know there was such a place.
Look at the happy, happy dog. That's great.
Mmmm ribfest sounds fantastic.
Oh - I am not ready for Fall either. But the cold evenings and mornings are here already. Our trees aren't turning quite as much but will be shortly.
i just wanted to say hello- i'm a fellow burlington knitter and i stumbled upon your site through a comment you left on the knitty blog!
we're headed up to haliburton in a couple weeks and i can't wait to see the changing leaves!
rachel m
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