Of course, I am referring to Finished Objects - don't know what you thought I meant!
My Knitpicks yarn jacket is done but for the blocking and buttons, and it is the loveliest, cuddliest thing - light and lofty but very warm -
- Project: Not Your Mother's Jacket, from Sally Melville's The Purl Stitch
- Yarn: Knit Picks Suri Dream (colour:Cascades) and Wool of the Andes Bulky (Navy Blue) held together
- Started: September 25, 2006
- Finished: October 2, 2006
- Needles: 9mm (hard to handle, but LOVE those quick results!)
I hope I can do justice to the thing by finding the right buttons... oh, I just realized you can see my toes at either corner of the pic - I had to stand on the couch to get the best vantage point - the socks were a gift from Kelly... Kelly, you need a blog so I can point people in your direction...
Also in the FO section this week: Kelly's socks (well, really my socks, made with the yarn Kelly sent me which I was supposed to work on at the same time as she did but because of my occasional need for immediate gratification I went ahead and made - sorry, Kel) - but aren't they cute?

- Project: Popcorn Lace Socks
- Yarn: Plymouth Sockotta (cotton/wool blend)
- Started: July 27, 2006
- Finished: October 3, 2006
I photographed the socks lying on the back of another sweater for which I made all the pieces last year, but for some reason failed to put together. Oh, wait, I know the reason - I HATE putting things together... but it's just gorgeous - a Manos jacket from the Fall 2005 issue of Knitters' - so this week the pieces shall become one, and I'll have another new jacket...
I am back to my nieces' Wonderful Wallabies, and have fused both pouches to the bodies so the fun stuff is over till the sleeves - something almost annoying about kids growing and wearing larger sizes, and liking sweaters with copious amounts of stocking stitch knit in the round...
I am also working on Tanya's socks, making them longer - for some reason I can't pick up the stitches without it being very obvious that I have done so - I have picked up and ripped back 3 or 4 times now, and it's bugging the heck out of me - but I refuse to be defeated by a pair of socks...
we did survive hockey practice on Monday morning, although by 10am I felt that I had put in a full day and was ready for bed - Ben just kept on ticking till 8:30 that night - I don't know how they do it, but I wish I could remember - I must have been like that at some point, too... just like I wish I could remember what it was like to sit in a stroller and be pushed around to shop, or how it felt to be forced to take a nap - when was the last time someone said, "You need a nap, take a couple of hours and sleep"? I would pay for the privilege these days! Although, that being said, I seem to be unable to sleep during the day even when I do get a chance - lapsed Catholic woman guilt or something...
and finally, there was a package in the mail earlier this week that looked distinctly like socks - felt like them, it was the right sized envelope - so I had Tanner open it because I couldn't bear to face my Sock Wars death - big WHEW when we found this instead:
such pretty colours, and Miss Scarlett's fault... so I am still alive, and have no idea whether I'll be getting socks to wear, or socks to finish - oh, the suspense is killing me!
OOOOH! So much eye-candy in one post! Congratulations on your FO's and your new yarn acquisition!
Thank you Sara in WI - but you don't have a blog for me to get to know you...
Oh I have a story about FO
The Hasselhof was in Squamish filming some bomb or other and was at a local bar drinking (shocked? the souse). I guess he thought he would be anonymous in an out of the way place like this. Alas, years of jiggly scantily clad women in an opening montage led to fame among hormonal males and my brother's friend approached him. Hasselhof wouldn't respond to his attempts to communicate and finally told the kid to "FO buddy". The kid, slightly intoxicated himself, then turned to the crowd and shouted: "Knightrider just told me to F O" everyone howled with laughter and said kid was bounced out by Hasselhof's bodyguard. Derision ensued - something Hasselfhof is not unused to I am sure. He remains a 2 letter joke to this day.
Your jacket looks great! And sooo cozy.
Hey - is that the new colourway? I didn't get mine yet -- or my socks, though I had an e-mail last week telling me to expect them on Monday...
Glad to see I have been an influence...Mwa ha ha Mwa ha ha
Im in love with that sweater? How is it working with Suri? And the socks, well, of course, I love those too!
Yeah for Finished Objects! Aren't they wonderful? Yours certainly are.
Hate to hear you are having trouble with my socks. It just makes me cringe.
Beautiful jacket and WOW that was fast!
I see a Sara from WI???? HELLO, I AM FROM WI!! Amazing, Deirdre has two people chatting from the same little state!
Love the socks, then you made, that I gave you the yarn to knit with. For WI folks out there, the yarn is from a friendly little shop in northern WI called Pine Needles.
I will soon be ready for our joint sock yarn project, but you will have to delay your need for completion. Somethings are better if just taken a little bit longer...enjoy the process of helping me through each phase of this new pattern.
Must go. Lunch is calling my name.
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