Thanks, Miss Scarlett, for pointing out the glaring omission in my last post - how thoughtless of me to forget poor Maggie - and here I was worrying about the boys getting equal photo time!
Her Highness, asleep on her couch - yes, she has her own couch - it's an old denim blue loveseat that no one else uses, and woe to those who try...
What a lovely post on your boys and your dog! They're lucky to have a mother who recognizes how great they are.
Thanks for posting your answers. I'm already busy thinking...
Your S.P.
How funny. I am so astonished by how much our dogs look alike.
What kind of dog is Maggie again?
She looks so happy in her own chair.
To add progress bars you can try here -
or I went to this site
It was a little fiddly but in the end it worked!
Pretty cool stuff.
Oh - I just used a premade set.
I am not that adventurous - not writing my own code yet!
Don't cha just wanna cuddle up with her and enjoy some couch time?
I want a dog........(whine...)
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