I think anyone who has shopped online has likely developed a real affection for their mailman, a sense of longing and anticipation for his arrival, but yesterday afternoon I discovered the true meaning of mailman love -
not one, but two, count 'em, TWO, packages from my Sockret pal:
the most delectable bath stuff - bath crystals and soap, and - something new - a bath tea bag - mmmmm....

and then another package with gorgeous orange sock yarn from Knitpicks, the Holiday Knits magazine from Interweave, and the funkiest measuring tape (it's Pinocchio and his nose grows - I LOVE THIS!!) - oh, and my all-time favourite comfort food, chocolate covered almonds... all wrapped up with a Napoleon Dynamite card, which my kids are totally pleased with...
so picture me, last night, after a particularly difficult day... steaming lavender/tangerine scented water, glass of red wine, bowl of chocolate almonds... then into fresh-out-of-the-dryer jammies and my cuddly brown robe, a solid evening of CSI reruns and my knitting - I know, I am absolutely boring - some have even described me as an 'old maid'- but this was just the evening I needed - thanks, Sockret Pal, for making such a wonderful, thoughtful contribution...
the mailman also brought the latest installment of Socks that Rock, with lots of extra goodies in the package

so a lovely end to a shitty day, thanks in part to my mailman, who certainly deserves some token of my affection... maybe an almond... if there are any left by Monday...
Badgees...we don't neeed to show you no stinken badges. It is really tough trying to type Mexican bandito accent!! especially without my stretchy pants & white wrestling boots.
Wow! Well, no one can blame you for falling in love with your mailman, LOL ;) - such goodies you received, how great! And hey, I don't think your Friday night sounded boring, in the contrary, the way you described it it sounds like the absolutely perfect Friday evening, that's for sure!
Have fun with everything you received!
Your night sounds absolutely perfect to me! And all your parcels, how exciting!
The socks that rocks yarn looks fabulous... I really have to get myself some of that.
I'm so glad those gifts helped smooth over a bad day!
I hope the bath gifts are sweeeet. I think they were a little bewildered by the card I included.
There will be more, never fear my Sockret Pal. I've got some particularly yummy yarn picked out...
Your- Still Secret?- Socky Pal
I agree with Tanya - that sounds perfect to me too! Old Maid, grosssss!
More Napoleon fans? I love that film. My cousin and I were nearly obsessed - we were causing spectacles at theatres all over the place. (We both have loud and distinctive laughs - gosh, what did you think?)
I have never seen Treasure of the Sierra Madre but I knew the quote from the Monkees! You're takin' me back Deirdre!
Also - what is the other card? Are they running a sock knitting camp? Wow. The world of knitters. It is so huge.
Yes, Miss S., we here are hard-core Napoleon Dynamite fans - and good eye! There is a sock club coming in 2007 from Blue Moon Fibers - I was going to tell you about it because it's to be in Oregon, I believe - I might try to count my pennies and see what I can do - but it's just down the road from you, right? Well, sort of?
Does your mailman wear strechy pants...in his room?
Perfect evening to me, I did the same last night, except it was CSI miami!!
A heavenly evening, hardly boring at all. Hard to get our male counterparts to understand that, isn't it? My perfect Friday evening is sleeping children, and the new show Men in Trees and then House Hunters on HGTV. It's a packed eveing with those shows and always some knitting on the go. I have to admit, at times, I put the knitting down and just lay on the couch in the zone...
FYI - approaching sideways row 30. I think it is understandable given the last few migraines I have had to contend with. It really messes time frames up.
Hmmm, I am a little concerned now that not only does the email address not work for me, but your house address mysteriously does not either! I will wait a little longer and see if the little packages show up but I will also post another letter to see if that makes it there. Could you do me a favour though and just confirm your home address to anonknitATyahooDOTcomDOTau?
You have a socky pal too? You like to be spoiled, don't you?
And certainly you enjoy seeing your mail man alot too... LOL
Well... I love my mailman also! LOL
PS: Could Blogger think of longer word verifications and twisted font here? LOL
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