is paved with new, colourful skeins of yarn, and NOT with sweaters requiring frogging -
so, I did start ripping out my beautiful big sweater - yesterday afternoon, found the sunny spot on the couch, grabbed a beer, and plugged in Stephen King's 'Cell' - and I ripped slowly, painfully - but I stuck with it for a good 20 minutes or so, then did laundry, swept the floor, walked the dogs, had dinner and that just killed the whole thing -
after a hot soak, I felt I could continue - but then I remembered that my good friend next door has a birthday coming up, and I need to finish the pair of socks I started for her, and wouldn't it be fun to make her a felted gift bag for her socks - and I have 3 skeins of Noro Kureyon for just this purpose, and I like felting, and it really shouldn't take too long to make, and I can resume frogging while it blocks - although I guess I will have to finish her socks at that point -
but I seem to have lost the pattern for the socks - it's a four row repeat, but I can't remember where the purls and knits go, and I am NOT going to frog back a few rows to figure it out -
or maybe I'll have to - so I guess either way there wil be ripping and rending involved...
but first we felt :>))