Wednesday, February 15, 2006


As I toil away - I mean, knit happily away on my Knitting Olympics project - 9 3/4" of a 16" body done as of last night, and it looks very nice in the cashmere - I found my mind wandering ahead to my next project, and I was reminded of my former DH -

years ago he watched with incredulity as I finished a project, gloated over it and fondled it for a bit, then put it aside and started the next one. His comment was, "Can't you just be DONE? Do you always have to be knitting something else? Can't you just finish and STOP?"

This compared to my father, who thinks that my mother has been working on the same sweater for the past 20 years, and seems quite content with the situation...

of course, he hasn't seen the packages, boxes and bags being delivered to my home in her name...

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