These are done, were done, in fact, on Monday night (Fortissima Colori, col#4009) - they fit my now-10-year-old (!!!!) son perfectly, and he was completely surprised, in spite of the fact that I was knitting them right in front of him as my deadline loomed -
big YAY!
The last two days were spent doing fun but exhausting things - Monday was a school field trip to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto, and I learned a couple of valuable lessons:
* always take more one more Advil than the label recommends before boarding a bus of 30-odd 9-10 year olds
* do not assume that knitting on the bus will be a good thing; it may, in fact, incite small riots in said 9-10 year olds, all of whom will want to see - and touch - what is on the needles
* take full advantage of any Starbucks seen while touring, because there
won't always be another one
Yesterday, as is our tradition, we all took the day off from work/school to celebrate my son's birthday, and at his request, went to the Hockey Hall of Fame and had dinner at Wayne Gretzky's, both again in Toronto. We had a wonderful day, and I was absolutely THRILLED to have a picture taken with the Stanley Cup -

I TOUCHED IT! which may seem like nothing big, but really, when you think of the amazing people who have also touched this thing (and not being a germophobe, I am totally cool with the thought) like Maurice Richard, Yvan Cournyer (be still my heart), Wayne Gretzky - oh, I could go on...
and I am not really a hockey fan...
so great couple of days, but totally tiring, and not a lot of knitting done...
The boys' Wallaby's are next on the "must finish" list - shall I suggest a deadline? Perhaps beginning of next week? Let's make it tentative - a little less pressure...
My nieces are turning 14 in a week and a half, and I am at a loss for gift ideas - they don't seem to want anything - so I told their mom, my SIL, that I would take them each to their local yarn shop, in Georgetown, and let them pick out yarn for me to make them sweaters of their choosing - they like - wait for it - Wonderful Wallabies - and there are two of them - more deja vu than a gal can handle...