the first day of school, going into grades 10 and 8 in the order shown above - the first week has been survived, everyone still intact, homework minimal so far, but riot acts have been read, expectations for the year CLEARLY delineated... we'll see how things go
and I consider this a milestone: the KW Knitters' Fair, which my mom and I attended yesterday, along with a whole whack of enthusiastic people. Big crowd, 80-ish vendors in two big rooms, lots and lots to choose from. As in Portland, I was quite restrained, although I did buy a pack of 10 skeins of Manos Silky Blend as I walked in the door... the Purple Purl booth was right there, and they are so nice and friendly, and well... you know...

If I can fiddle with the numbers (different gauges, of course), I think it'll be a Varese hoodie for me in the very near future.
I FINALLY met Sandra - YAY!!! - I don't know how you felt, Sandra, but I was totally comfortable chatting with you, felt like I've known you for ages - so cool to finally meet someone you've been emailing and blog-reading with for a while, and find yourself friends in person - I tend to be pretty reserved, so it's such a treat to connect with people...
Mom and I spent a good 2 hours indulging ourselves in a mature, controlled manner (no sarcasm, we were very good) - I did pick up a Fiddlehead mitten kit from Tanis Fiber Arts,
and spoke a bit with Tanis and her mom, both of whom are just lovely - such a talented fibre artist, Tanis - her colours are spectacular! I may have bought a bit more than the kit, and I may show it off later. Or if you're keen, you may want to peek at my Ravelry stash and appreciate the colours yourself... to die for... and there may be some further Tanis in the near future, if I make it out to the Purl next weekend for the February Lady KAL photo op.

and now we find ourselves back in the routine, back to the grind, with barely a hint that we had a vacation at all... why is it that it takes (well, for me anyways) at least a week to unwind and get into vacation mode, but only a couple of days at most to get out of it?