Sunday, August 30, 2009

Same bat time, same bat channel...

yeah, I know, I just dated myself...

so I had someone from the Humane Wildlife Removal Association come by to check things out, and see if our toilet plunger target had any friends hanging around. After climbing all over the roof, peeking into the attic, and looking in the garage rafters (all while wearing a black t-shirt with "Bat Guy" in huge yellow letters, which was no doubt comforting to the neighbors), my house was declared "clean". Happy news, considering bat removal would cost in excess of $1000, and frankly, if I'm going to spend that much, it should be on something fun.

So imagine my surprise when I went into the garage the next morning and narrowly missed stepping on a dead bat. WTF is going on around here???!!!! My first thought was that if anyone found it, I would be charged with killing a bat. Oh, did I forget to mention it's illegal to kill bats? I love this - they damage your home, have highly toxic droppings, can bite you in your sleep, and are frequent carriers of rabies... but they are protected by the law. If some guy broke into my house I could shoot him legally, but I can't kill a bat. Someone please explain this to me - even after a couple of beers it still makes no sense.

I think I have figured out how the first one got in - climbed through the garage, through the air vent in my bedroom which is DIRECTLY BEHIND MY HEAD. Why yes, I am a little freaked. And no, no I haven't been sleeping all that well of late. I have been through the garage with a flashlight, and found nothing (THANK GOD) and will be going out again when I'm done this to look more closely - think happy thoughts.
Thankfully, the boys and I headed out for a couple of days at Sandbanks, and we lucked into the best day of the week - sunny, windy, hot - I love this place, it's good for the soul,IMG_0784 and the boys are still not so grown-up that they don't enjoy climbing the huge dunes only to pitch themselves back down. And repeat ad naseum.
I was the only one who braved the water, but it was surprisingly warm - I do love lake swimming...
We made our traditional stop at The Big Apple for the traditional photo op, for which they were less than pleased, as is our tradition.
And now we are home till school starts in a couple of weeks - way too soon for me, but I seem to be in the minority. Although I just checked in on them , and my 13 year old and nearly (gasp) 15 year old are dissolved in laughter over jokes about farts and penises. So maybe school's not so bad.

Some knitting - I am very close to finishing my Heather Hoodie Vest, made from very well aged Cherry Tree Hill bulky merinoIMG_0761;
and am working away on the 3rd reincarnation of my Cookie A-inspired sock, which I started at her Sock Summit class.IMG_0760 I love it, and I think it'll look good when done. And it's complicated enough that I stay focused, but no so much so that it frustrates me.

Lord know, there's enough of that going around right now...

Off to check the garage - happy thoughts, happy thoughts...


Sandra said...

at least bat carcasses are easier to hide in a garbage bag than human carcasses. Not that I know from experience. Ahem.
Not just the bat channel reference, but Sandbanks and the Big Apple bring back memories of my teen years - camping for a week with a carload of girls. Good times.

deirdre said...

glad I could be of help today...

Carol said...

Bats! EWWWWW! I'd be paying someone to batproof th e house. That would totally freak me out.

Miss Scarlett said...

Bats in your house, by your bed! Yuck.

If they would just stay outside they are so good for your garden -- they eat a bijillion mosquitoes -- which since we all have the West Nile variety these days...add H1N1 info overload from schools and that government sponsored report that most Canadians are indeed, NOT ready to survive a Zombie attack and wow. There is just not a lot of good news out there.

So if the bat would just stay outside you would have 1 out of 3 potentially deadly situations solved.

I hope teenage boys helps you in the Zombie defense arena -- they've got to be good for that, right?